
End of Life Regret #3

28.06.2024 10:08:14 By Ivan Silvester - Comment(s)
End of Life Regret #3
Spirituality is all about connecting with the quantum field, without thinking. Letting go, trusting the universal realm.

The Meaning of Angel Number 1414: A Direct Message to You

28.06.2024 09:13:40 By Ivan Silvester - Comment(s)
The Meaning of Angel Number 1414: A Direct Message to You
Have you been seeing the number 1414 everywhere lately? It’s not a coincidence. The universe is sending you a powerful message through angel number 1414, and it’s time for you to understand its meaning and embrace its guidance.

End of Life Regret #1

26.06.2024 09:29:00 By Ivan Silvester - Comment(s)
End of Life Regret #1
Being yourself without worrying about what others think of you is essential. Being authentic can be scary in the beginning because we have been trained to please others and to fit into specific roles while growing up. Your parents, school, education, and workplaces can have a significant impact.

End of Life Regret #2

19.06.2024 09:17:22 By Ivan Silvester - Comment(s)
End of Life Regret #2
Life Regrets - I wish had spent more time with the people I love

The 10 most important SoftSkills

15.12.2023 10:49:27 By Ivan Silvester - Comment(s)
The 10 most important SoftSkills

In today's dynamic and interconnected world, success extends beyond technical expertise. While hard skills are essential, it's the soft skills that often distinguish the truly exceptional individuals in any field. These interpersonal, communication, and emotional intelligence skills play a pivotal r...